Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hi Folks!

It's been a while since I've written anything here and I apologize to those of you who clicked the "Follow" button so long ago.  I will try to keep more up to date.  I've even given this a new look.  Hope you like it!

Let's see, where to begin?  I'm back home in Alaska after spending an extended vacation with Mom and family in California. Honestly, I don't know how people live in that state!  So many really dumb rules!

In Sonoma County, for example, there is a law that basically states you must bring your own shopping bags to the store or the store MUST charge you for a bag they provide.  Paper or plastic.  I understand the whole "saving the environment" thing, but come one.  Back in "old days" before plastic bags, they gave you paper bags.  Even today, when you go to a store outside of Fantasy Land, you get your items placed in a bag to carry home - for free!  The recycling argument doesn't stand up because most people re-use the bags for many things from garbage bags to lunch bags to luggage!

I guess the thinking (and I use that term lightly) is that the plastic bags are not biodegradable.  More and more plastic manufacturers are making more and more biodegradable products everyday.  And paper?  "Oh, we have to save the trees!"  Paper products DO degrade, rather quickly I might add, and trees are a renewable resource.  All over the country communities are planting trees in joint projects.

OK, I'm done ranting.  It just seems to me that whether or not you CHOOSE to use your own shopping bag or use one provided by a store, the government should not be involved.  Don't want plastic? Fine, provide only paper, but the store management should be making that decision.

Until next time, thanks!
